7-17 Year Olds with TS Needed for Research Study

Non-TSA Funded Study

Needed: 7-17 Year Olds with Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorder who are not taking medicine or whose current treatment is ineffective

NY, NJ, OH, MD, TX, FL, MO, and GA

Psyadon Pharmaceuticals is looking for children (7-17 years) with Tourette Syndrome to take part in a multicenter study to test the effectiveness of an investigational drug, called ecopipam, for the relief of their neurological symptoms.

This 4 month research study (8 study visits, with a physician to assess progress and 6 telephone call visits) will compare the “study drug” (ecopipam) and placebo. Ecopipam is a new medicine tablet that is being tested to see if it helps your symptoms. Placebo is a tablet that has no medicine in it but looks exactly the same.  This study is called a “crossover” study. During the study, you will be assigned by chance (like picking a number from a hat) to take either ecopipam or  placebo tablets by mouth. Later on in the study, you will switch to receive the opposite treatment.

In an earlier study ecopipam was shown to reduce tics in adult participants with Tourette Syndrome.  However, in that study both the doctors and the participants knew that they were receiving ecopipam.  The current study is designed to examine if ecopipam works in children when compared with no treatment (placebo) and when neither the participants nor the doctors know which treatment they are receiving. 

To Participate in the Study, please contact the study Site closest to you:

New York:

North Shore University Hospital
400 Community Drive

Manhasset, NY  11030

Contact: Dr. Cathy Budman, Ms. Susan Ray or Bibu Jacob
Telephone: (516) 562-1012

E-mail: cbudman@nshs.edu, SRay@NSHS.edu, bjacob3@NSHS.edu

Weill Cornell Medical College and New York-Presbyterian Hospital

525 E. 68th Street

New York, NY 10065

Contact: Dr. Justin Mohatt or Ms. Lucia Haladjian

Telephone: 212 746 5930

E-mail: luh2011@med.cornell.edu, jum9071@med.cornell.edu

New Jersey:

Atlantic Neuroscience Institute/Overlook Hospital

99 Beauvoir Avenue

Summit, NJ  07902

Contact: Dr. Roger Kurlan, Ms. Caroline Panter

Telephone: (908) 522-5901

E-mail: Roger.Kurlan@atlantichealth.org, caroline.panter@atlantichealth.org


The Johns Hopkins University

Dept. of Neurology

The David M. Rubenstein Child Health Bldg., Suite 2158

200 North Wolfe Street

Baltimore, MD  21287

Contact: Dr. Harvey Singer, MD, Ms. Tina Kline

Telephone: 410.955.1960

E-mail: hsinger@jhmi.edu, tkline4@jhmi.edu


Washington University School of Medicine

Department of Psychiatry

660 South Euclid Avenue,

Campus Box: 8134

St. Louis, MO 63110

Contact: Dr. Kevin Black

Telephone: (314) 362-6281

E-mail: kevin@npg.wustl.edu


Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

3333 Burnet Avenue

Cincinnati, OH  45229-3039

Contact: Dr. Donald Gilbert, Ms. Twila Rogers, Ms. Felisha Earls

Telephone: (513) 636-0599

E-Mail: donald.gilbert@cchmc.org, twila.rogers@cchmc.org, felisha.earls@cchmc.org


Baylor College of Medicine

Department of Neurology

The Smith Tower, Suite 1801

6550 Fannin

Houston, Texas 77030

Contact: Dr. Joseph Jankovic, Dorothy Williams, Christine Hunter

Telephone: 713-798-5519

E-mail: dorothyw@bcm.edu, chunter@bcm.edu, josephj@bcm.edu


Rothman Center for Neuropsychiatry

880 Sixth Street South

Suite 460, Box 7523

Saint Petersburg, Florida 33701

Contact: Dr. Tanya Murphy, Camille Hanks

Telephone: (727) 767-7238

E-mail: Hanks, chanks@health.usf.edu, tmurphy@health.usf.edu


Emory University Hospital

1841 Clifton Rd. NE

Atlanta, GA 30329

Contact: Dr. Jorge Juncos, Ms. Cathy Wood-Siverio

Telephone: (404) 728-4782

E-Mail: jjuncos@emory.educwoodsi@emory.edu

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