New Youth Ambassador Teams Trained in Washington, DC

Image 14Four new Youth Ambassadors and their parents attended a 2-day training on how to offer peer presentations about Tourette Syndrome and understanding and tolerance of differences. YAs and their parent team members also went to Capitol Hill and met with their local Congressional aides to advocate for TS-related issues and Federal funding. The new YAs, Kaylee Chin, Matt Sheeley, Kevin Fink, and Matt Eskenazi, were joined by seasoned NYHV chapter YAs Julia Gottlieb and Camerin Figueroa.

During her trip to the Hill, Kaylee Chin single-handedly convinced Congressman Eliot Engel’s staff that it was critical for Congressman Engel sign onto the “Dear Colleague” letter to show support for his constituents who are impacted by Tourette Syndrome.  Staffers were so impressed with Kaylee’s lobbying efforts that they invited her to return for a private tour the next day!

YAs Julia Gottlieb, Camerin Figueroa, and Kaylee Chin stayed on to attend the National Conference, and were joined by seasoned YA Benjamin Tamarin, who really enjoyed re-connecting with the YAs from around the country with whom he trained three years ago.  All of our YAs  participated in a variety of Teen Track workshops and bonded with teens and young adults with TS from around the nation.

“What a wonderful experience! Matthew made a lot of new friends and we are so grateful for the opportunity. All of the teens were brave and amazing.”      –Anne Marie Sheeley, YA parent team member


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