Research Partipants Needed

Non-TSA Funded Studies

Caregivers & Parents of Children Who Have Been Diagnosed with  Tourette Syndrome Nationwide

Study Name: Caregivers & Parents of Children Who Have Been Diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome Nationwide

Eligibility: You must be a caregiver or parents of a child who has been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome.  Also, you must be over 18 years old.

Description: For this study, Research Now ( is working with a leading medical research firm to understand the perspectives of caregivers or parents of children who have been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome. Our objective is to understand how the condition is managed, as well as the disease’s impact on day-to-day life.

If you agree to participate in the study, you will be asked to complete a 45-minute online survey. You will be paid $50* upon completion of the survey for your time and responses. In addition, Research Now will donate $50 to the National Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. for each member of their community that completes this survey in full.

 *Note: Incentive payments will be mailed out approximately 2-4 weeks from the completion of the study.

 Participate: To participate, please click on the link below.  If you are having problems accessing the link, please copy and paste the link into your browser. 

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