Thank you, Tourette


“Throughout my years I’ve gained a unique perspective on life. It’s easy to be grateful for the good things in our lives, but what about when life throws you a curveball? Don’t get me wrong I’m not like ‘whoo-hoo, I have TS’, but I’ve adapted to my TS and I’m thankful for all of the lessons it has taught me:

Thank you TS for teaching me resiliency and perseverance; how to get back up after being knocked down and to keep fighting for what I want out of life no matter what the challenges may be.

Thank you TS for teaching me open mindedness and compassion; to step back and observe a person or situation before making an assumption and reacting because you don’t always know the whole story or what someone else is going through.

Thank you TS for teaching me tolerance and acceptance for myself and others who are different.

Thank you TS for teaching me how to laugh at myself because let’s face it, sometimes TS causes me to do some silly things.

Thank you TS for teaching me patience; there were some really bad days and good days before I got here.

Thank you TS for teaching me how to hold onto hope and believe that one day everything would be okay.

Thank you TS for teaching me forgiveness; to forgive others who may be react from a lack of understanding.

Thank you TS for teaching me confidence so that I can advocate for myself and others who live with TS.

Thank you TS for teaching me that it’s okay to ask for help, it’s not a sign of weakness.

Thank you TS for giving me the passion to help others and to be a part of the TAA and their continued efforts to make life better for those people affected by TS and Tic disorders.

I am happy with my life and with whom I’ve become and often remind myself of what Tim Howard, professional soccer player and hero of mine once said:

‘I live with Tourette’s. I try to excel with it. But I don’t suffer from it. That’s…the one thing I don’t do.’”

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