YA Presentation Testimonials

Having been in education for over 18 years, the opportunity I had on March 31st at Harrison HS was one the most rewarding things I had the pleasure to witness. The educational experience for all the 9th graders and staff who attend was something I feel the whole school could benefit from and for that matter all children grades k-12 and staff. The student ambassadors did a fantastic job speaking to the students. When young adults receive information from their peers, it hits home more. I learned so many things in such a short period of time. It made me have a different appreciation on what children go through and have no control of. By educating people, it helps us to be more supportive and makes us look in the mirror. I was so proud of Josh and what he did. I do not know if I could of come out to my classmates to let them know about Tourette. It brought me to tears. As a coach and father of four children, I was so proud of Josh. This was a tremendous assembly and would recommend this to all schools.

Edgar Glascott
Harrison Huskies Boys Lacrosse
Hudson Valley Express Lacrosse

I was so moved by the YA presentation. In addition to learning more about Tourette, I was able to gain an even deeper understanding of how students are affected by this condition. The presentation was so moving, and as a teacher I felt the students were really moved and inspired by the Youth ambassadors. I believe knowledge is power and this presentation left students educated and sympathetic towards all those who live with this condition.


Claire Katz
Harrison High School
Resource Room Teacher

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